How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

The biggest challenge that English learners face is speaking English. Excellent speaking skills are essential for the business world and the real world but how do you go from surviving the conversation to owning the conversation?

Here are 6 ways to improve your English speaking skills:

  1. Set a goal
  2. Practice, Practice & Practice
  3. Expand your vocabulary
  4. Work on pronunciation
  5. Pay attention to grammar
  6. Overcome your fear of speaking English

Set a Goal of Speaking English

Woman writing down goals to speak English in her journal
Photo by Pixabay on

Setting a goal is an important first step in improving your English speaking skills. It helps you to stay focused and motivated, and gives you a clear sense of direction in your learning journey. Without a goal, it can be easy to lose motivation. Here are 2 ideas of goals to you can set:

  1. Speak English for 10 minutes a day.
  2. Give a presentation in English at work within the next 3 months.

These goals are specific, measurable, and achievable, which makes it easier to track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Remember to set goals that are challenging but realistic, and don’t be afraid to adjust them as you go if necessary.

Practice English Regularly

Practice, practice and practice some more. Regular practice helps you to develop good habits by making speaking English a regular part of your routine. Like any skill, the more you practice, the easier it becomes and the more natural it feels. By practicing regularly, you can train your brain to think in English and become more comfortable expressing yourself in the language. Here are 3 ways you can practice regularly:

  1. Have a meaningful conversation with a coworker, friend or family member in English.
  2. Have a conversation with an English speaking tourist visiting your town.
  3. Join a speaking group to practice different topics.

Regular practice is essential for improving your English speaking skills. By making speaking English a regular part of your routine, you can develop good habits, build confidence, and make steady progress over time.

Expand your English Vocabulary

Expand your vocabulary by reading books. Here is a dictionary to look up different words and their meanings
Photo by Pixabay on

Vocabulary are the words you use to express yourself, and having a rich and varied vocabulary can help you to communicate more effectively and express yourself more accurately. You will be able to understand and participate in conversations on a wide range of topics, which can help you to feel more confident and engaged in the workplace as well as in social situations. Here are some tips to expand your vocabulary:

  1. Find a podcast with a subject that interests you to listen to.
  2. Read books and magazines to expand your vocabulary.
  3. Use flashcards to test your new vocabulary.

Work on your English Pronunciation

Proper pronunciation can help you to make a good first impression on clients, ensures that your message is understood correctly and boosts your confidence. Here are some tips:

  1. Listen to and repeat after native speakers. You can listen to podcasts, songs or movies.
  2. Practice Tongue Twisters to improve your articulation, diction, fluency and pronunciation.
  3. Record yourself speaking English to identify your mistakes and track your progress.

Check out some of these methods in the following video:


How often do you speak English? Here are 3 tips to boost your speaking skills in English! #1 practice Daily! Watch the full video for the all 3 tips and a bonus tip at the end 😁 #businesstutor #Englishtutor #speakwithconfidence #speakclearly #learningEnglish #businesstips #communicationskills #professionalenglish #inglés #английский #անգլերեն #inglés #hablaringles #englishlesson #speakingskills #esl

♬ original sound – Jacs.NY.English

Improve your English Grammar

When you pay attention to grammar, you are not only improving your accuracy and fluency in English but also enhancing your credibility and professionalism. Good grammar skills help to make your speech sound more fluent, natural, and accurate. Using proper grammar can help you convey your ideas more clearly and effectively, ensuring that you’re understood correctly by your audience. How to do it:

  1. Studying grammar rules through books or online classes can help you get started.
  2. Reading exposes you to different grammar patterns and improves your skills.
  3. Get feedback about your speaking skills to identify areas that need improvement.

Improving your grammar skills takes time and effort but with consistency you can successfully improve your speaking skills.

Overcome your Fear of Speaking English

Business man speaking confidently in front of a crowd
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

The fear of speaking English is one of the biggest obstacles that English learners face. It can also hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals. Fear of speaking English can limit your ability to communicate effectively, which may affect your confidence and self-esteem. If you avoid speaking English, you may miss out on opportunities to practice and improve your language skills. Overcome your fear of speaking English with these tips:

  1. Start your journey with an English tutor who will help you to build your skills and confidence.
  2. Set achievable goals of speaking English for a few minutes each day.
  3. Use positive affirmations that will reassure you that you can speak English fluently and confidently.
  4. Celebrate your successes no matter how small they may be. Acknowledge your progress and celebrate your wins!

Speaking English fluently and confidently can be a real challenge for English learners. However, with consistent practice, dedication, and a willingness to learn, anyone can improve their speaking skills. With these tips, you can take your English speaking skills to the next level, and confidently navigate both the business and real world. So, don’t let fear hold you back from achieving your goals, start practicing today to become a fluent and confident English speaker!

Our tutors provide a safe space for you to practice your speaking skills. Request a free consultation today!

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