Conducting Successful Business Meetings in English

A business meeting in progress. The leader of the meeting is a woman going over notes that are on a large white paper hanging from the glass wall in the room.
Photo by Christina Morillo on

Business English students are often asking about how to conduct successful business meetings. They lack the confidence to lead the meeting or make meaningful contributions but why is that important?

Here are 3 reasons it is important to conduct successful business meetings in English:

  1. Professionalism: Business is all about professionalism. The ability to communicate effectively in English is often seen as a sign of professionalism and competence.
  2. Career advancement: For many business professionals the ability to conduct successful business meetings in English is a key factor in career advancement. If you’re able to communicate effectively with colleagues and partners from around the world, you may be more likely to be considered for international assignments, promotions, or leadership positions.
  3. Better communication: Being able to conduct successful business meetings in English can improve communication within your own organization. Being able to clearly communicate in English with colleagues who speak English as their native language or as a lingua franca will help you avoid misunderstandings and improve productivity.

Now that we’ve covered why it’s important to successfully conduct business meetings in English, let’s take a look at 4 steps that will help you successfully conduct a business meeting in English:

  1. Prepare for the meeting
  2. Speak clearly and confidently
  3. Handle difficult questions effectively
  4. Wrapping up the meeting

Prepare to Conduct a Meeting in English

A woman preparing her notes and agenda for a meeting that she will be leading for the first time.
Photo by Arina Krasnikova on

Review the agenda: Before the meeting, make sure you review the agenda thoroughly. Understand what topics will be discussed and what decisions need to be made. This will help you prepare your thoughts and ideas ahead of time.

Practice key phrases: It’s a good idea to practice key phrases that you may need to use during the meeting. This could include phrases for introducing yourself, making a suggestion, or summarizing a point. For example when making a suggestion you can say: Can I suggest that we ( take a certain action) in order to (accomplish a specific goal)? Practicing ahead of time will help you feel more confident and prepared during the meeting.

Prepare any materials you may need: If you’re presenting information during the meeting, make sure you have any materials you need prepared ahead of time. This could include slides, handouts, or reports

By taking the time to prepare thoroughly, you’ll be able to approach the meeting with confidence and clarity. You’ll also be able to contribute effectively to the discussion and help move the meeting towards its goals.

Speak Clearly and Confidently

A woman confidently leading a business meeting for the first time.
Photo by Rebrand Cities on

Communication: The main purpose of a business meeting is to communicate important information and ideas. If you don’t speak with clarity your message may be lost or misinterpreted. Speaking confidently and clearly can help ensure that your message is understood and that you’re able to effectively communicate your ideas and opinions.

Credibility: When you speak confidently, you come across as more credible and authoritative. This is especially important in a business context, where you want to be seen as knowledgeable and competent.

Engagement: When you speak confidently, you’re more likely to engage others in the conversation. This can lead to more productive discussions and better outcomes. People are naturally drawn to confident speakers which can help you establish a sense of trust with others.

Confidence: Speaking confidently can help boost your own confidence and self-esteem. When you feel confident, you’re more likely to perform well and make a positive impression on others.

By practicing your speaking skills and focusing on speaking confidently and clearly, you can improve your performance in business meetings and enhance your professional reputation.

Handle Difficult Questions Effectively

Handling difficult questions is an important skill to have during a business meeting. Difficult questions can come from anywhere – colleagues, superiors, or clients – and they can be challenging to answer, especially if they are unexpected. However, being able to handle these questions effectively is crucial for several reasons including, shows preparedness, demonstrates expertise, builds trust and improves outcomes.

Here are some tips for handling difficult questions:

Take a moment to think: It’s okay to take a moment to gather your thoughts before answering a difficult question. You can repeat the question back to the person to make sure you understand it, and take a deep breath to give yourself a moment to think.

Be honest: If you don’t know the answer to a difficult question, it’s better to be honest and say so. You can offer to follow up with the person later with more information or ask if anyone else in the room might know the answer.

Stay calm: It’s important to stay calm and composed when handling difficult questions. Avoid becoming defensive or argumentative, even if the question seems confrontational. Staying calm and composed can help you think more clearly and provide a better response.

Clarify the question: Sometimes difficult questions are unclear. If you’re unsure what the person is asking, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. You can ask follow-up questions to make sure you understand the question fully before answering.

What this video to see a few of these tips in action:

Remember, it’s important to stay calm, honest, and focused when answering difficult questions, and to use the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your colleagues.

Wrapping up a Business Meeting

Business people clapping as they are finishing up a meeting.
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Wrapping up a business meeting effectively is just as important as starting the meeting off on the right foot. A strong ending can help ensure that everyone is on the same page, action items are clear, and next steps are established. Here are some tips for wrapping up a business meeting effectively:

Summarize key points: Start wrapping up by summarizing key points that were discussed during the meeting. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands what was decided.

Clarify action items: Make sure that action items and next steps are clear and that everyone knows what they are responsible for. Be sure to assign specific deadlines and follow-up as needed.

Thank everyone for their time: Take a moment to thank everyone for attending the meeting and for their contributions. Thanking everyone can go a long way in creating a positive and productive atmosphere that helps everyone involved to feel appreciated.

To conduct an effective meeting in English, you should prepare well, speak clearly, handle difficult questions calmly, and wrap up the meeting by summarizing key points and thanking participants. Following these tips can help ensure your meetings are productive and engaging for everyone involved. With these tips in mind, you can lead successful meetings that achieve your goals and build strong relationships with your team and stakeholders.

Are you a business professional who wants to conduct effective and engaging meetings? We offer personalized tutoring services designed to help you achieve your communication goals and boost your confidence!

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