Past Simple Tense Pronunciation

Let’s practice the difference between pronunciations of the
past simple.

Read these words out loud:

  1. Cleaned
  2. Stopped
  3. Tasted

Did you notice that they all have an -ed ending but are pronounced differently?

There are three ways we pronounce the -ed at the end of a verb:

First with -d sound

When the last sound before -ed is voiced (which means you will feel your vocal cords vibrate), the -ed sound is /d/.


Verb Past Tense Pronunciation

play        played                  play-/d/

show     showed                show-/d/

close      closed                  close-/d/

open      opened                open-/d/

enjoy     enjoyed                enjoy-/d/

love       loved                    love-/d/

try          tried                      try-/d/

rain        rained                   rain-/d/

learn      learned                learn-/d/

clean     cleaned                clean-/d/

Next with -t sound

When the last sound before -ed is voiceless (which means you won’t feel your vocal cords vibrate), the -ed sound is /t/.


Verb Past Tense Pronunciation

work      worked                work-/t/

cook      cooked                cook-/t/

walk       walked                 walk-/t/

kiss         kissed                  kiss-/t/

like         liked                     like-/t/

stop       stopped               stop-/t/

look       looked                 look-/t/

drop       dropped             drop-/t/

help       helped                 help-/t/

Finally with -id sound

When the final consonant before -ed is /t/ or /d/ the -ed sound is /id/. This adds a syllable to the word.


Verb Past Tense Pronunciation

wait       waited                  wait-/id/

want      wanted                want-/id/

need      needed                 need-/id/

decide   decided                decide-/id/

hate       hated                    hate-/id/

taste      tasted                   taste-/id/

end        ended                   end-/id/

Practice pronouncing these words and creating sentences with a tutor today!

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